As the human body’s second most complex organ, our eyes do a huge amount of work without us even realising. They also benefit from healthy lifestyle choices which enable them to function optimally:
1. The first tip to improve your eye health , would be to have regular eye tests. Glasses or lenses tailored to your current prescription should minimise discomfort or eye strain.

2. Tip two for improving your eye health would be to maintain a balanced diet. From almonds to zucchini, beneficial vitamins are found in numerous fruits, nuts and vegetables.

3. Watching your weight is a key tip in improving eye health. Excess body fat could accelerate the onset of conditions like age-related macular degeneration (AMD).
4. Seek advice straightaway. Our optometrists will investigate any concerns, from dry eyes to sudden changes in your vision.
5. Exercise daily. Regular exercise improves circulation in the blood vessels within the eyes.
6. Investigate family health histories. Some eye conditions are genetic, and it’s helpful for our optometrists to know about them.
7. Along with many other benefits to your health, avoiding or stopping smoking is key to improving eye health. Cigarettes increase the risk of cataracts, glaucoma and AMD, as well as causing dry eyes.

8. Wash your face before bed. Yesterday’s makeup could irritate your eyes, or trap harmful germs and bacteria.
9. Take regular screen breaks. Spending a few minutes focusing on distant objects reduces eye strain and headaches.
10. A tip for improving eye health for our contact lens wearers is to follow contact lens cleaning routines. Our experts will recommend best practice for keeping lenses clean and hygienic.
